OTC Ep. 19 – Eating Disorder Treatment With Allison Puyear

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What is an actual eating disorder?
What do you do if a loved one is struggling with one?
Allison Puryear is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW), Certified Eating Disorder Specialist (CEDS) and owner of Asheville Eating Disorder Treatment who not only talks the talk, but has walked the walk. She shares about her own struggle with an eating disorder, difficulties for victims of an eating disorder in finding help, and what family and loved ones can do to find a good therapist or treatment program.
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Parenting & Family Solutions is a private outpatient mental health practice in the Harrisburg & Lancaster, PA area that is focused on providing quality mental health services to meet your needs. Our licensed and board certified counselors are experienced and able to help you improve your life and most important relationships. Call us to schedule your first session at 717-602-5560
In This Episode
John talks with business owner and consultant Allison Puryear about Eating Disorder treatment.
- When seeking treatment look for a Certified Eating Disorder Specialist (CEDS)
- The DSM criteria for eating disorder diagnoses are rigidly defined and can cause confusion in getting help
- Eating Disorder Myths: Eating Disorders are visibly recognizable, Eating Disorders are a “rich, white girl” problem
- Allison has a vlog series on her website with helpful resources
- Orthorexia is an issue which involves a person who has become rigidly focused on “clean eating” but is not currently an official diagnosis in the DSM
- Intuitive Eating by Tribole and Resch
- Health At Every Size by Linda Bacon, PhD
- Ultimately, all food is good food (unless the person has a particular food allergy)
Meet Allison Puryear
Allison Puryear is an LCSW, CEDS with a nearly diagnosable obsession with business development. She has started practices in three different states and wants you to know that building a private practice is shockingly doable when you have a plan and support. She teaches everything you need to know about building a private practice in the Abundance Party, where you can get practice-building help for the cost of a copay. You can download a free private practice checklist to make sure you have your ducks in a row, listen in on consultations and interviews on the Abundant Practice Podcast, and hop into the free Facebook Group full of over 13,000 other clinicians in private practice. Allison is all about helping you gain the confidence and tools you need to succeed.
Next Episode
OTC Ep. 20 – Walk-And-Talk Therapy With Clay Cockrell
Previous Episode – OTC Ep. 18 – Increasing Gratitude With John Israel
Meet John Dennis
John is a licensed professional counselor with over 14 years of experience who specializes in counseling for individuals, couples, children, and adolescents. He focuses on working with anxious teens and adults, couples who are struggling to connect with one another, and those dealing with grief and loss.
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