Support the Podcast
“On The Couch” is currently cranking through Season 3 and is already working on scheduling guests and recording episodes for Season 4.
Please consider becoming a patron of the podcast by making a monthly donation of $5 or more. Thank you for helping this important project continue!
Successfully maintaining a podcast means a significant investment of time, love, and energy. There is also a substantial financial component, including costs associated with recording equipment, editing services, music licensing, travel, etc.
Supporting the podcast on Patreon is a way to help sustain the project, feel a sense of pride in the community you’re helping to shape, rally behind your loved ones, and support others who are living with mental wellness conditions.
Becoming a patron means you get exclusive access to videos, behind-the-scenes updates, digital goodies (like beautiful desktop backgrounds featuring insightful guest quotes), and even more connection with John as we grow an army of mental health warriors!
Betty D.
Margo E.
Maura R.
Joe W.
Geoff W.
George D.
Kristina B.
Leslie H.